Many Smart Public Transport projects entered traffic this summer
Many Smart Public Transport projects entered traffic this summer

Many Smart Public Transport projects entered traffic this summer

During the summer, Telia in Finland, Sweden, and Denmark have activated 15 different public transport collaborations and projects – or traffic starts – with different Public Transport Authorities (PTA), involving almost 650 buses. It means Telia can further contribute to smarter and more sustainable public transport journeys. We speak with Magnus Westerberg, Head of Delivery & Billing, about the progress.

How come so many deals, or traffic starts, have gone live in just the past few weeks?

“These projects usually start in the summer because that’s when new buses and routes are most often brought into use. But yes, we’ve had more than usual this summer, which is great.”

Which of our solutions and offerings are we talking about?

”This summer’s projects include a wide range of products within Smart Public Transport.” (See image below, eds.) "Telia offers an ecosystem of smart connected public transport services, a comprehensive offering where our self-developed IoT Edge gateway and cloud platform are the foundation of our delivery. With our services we enable public transport providers, as in Public Transport Authorities and Operators, to work both proactively and event-driven with real-time data from vehicles combined with other public transport systems and services. This enables them to plan better and streamline their operations, make them more profitable and sustainable."

"This includes, for example, services that help them reduce carbon dioxide emissions, drive safer and at the same time become more cost-effective and reduce fuel consumption. Eco-Driving for example, as well as passenger counting, to optimize routes, bus sizes and identify possible congestion on board, such as Automatic Passenger Count. We also do proactive monitoring of the status of the vehicle fleet to predict faults before they occur to reduce unforeseen maintenance, which is called Vehicle Health, as well as effective control of heating and cooling on board to ensure regulatory requirements and the comfort of passengers and drivers on board (Vehicle Climate Management). But also, we can support when it comes to meeting travelers' increased needs for a safer and more predictable journey. Examples of this are Internet Onboard, Real-time information during the trip about passengers' commute and Camera Surveillance."

What’s next?

” We’ll ensure that our many hardware suppliers can deliver on time and that we continue to meet the huge demand from our customers.”

Telia Smart Public Transportation

Learn more about Smart Public Transport 

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