Building on digitalization

Building on digitalization

For those who support the public, digitialization enables more relevant services – in more accessible ways – for all of us. All it takes is the right digital infrastructure and the right digital tools. Check out some of the ways we're helping public sector customers to deliver better services for everyone

Measure vehicle emissions to prioritize your actions

To prioritize environmental actions, you need to know what works. Telia Travel Emission Insights let you measure and benchmark CO2 emissions from different routes in your city, model different scenarios, and the prioritize the actions that will have the biggest impact. It also makes it simple to measure and share the results of the actions you choose.

Learn more about Travel Emission Insights >

Travel emission insights

Increase indoor comfort and reduce wasted energy

Keep your staff and visitors healthy, comfortable and productive by remotely monitoring the temperature and air quality in all your offices and buildings. Our end-to-end building monitoring solution includes sensors, connectivity and the Telia IoT Platform for dashboards, alerts and APIs. It lets you monitor and optimize your heating and cooling systems to provide a fresher, more comfortable working and visiting environment. At the same time, it lets you identify and eliminate areas of energy wastage and their associated emissions.

Learn more about Telia Building Monitoring >

Make data-driven city planning decisions

To understand which changes will bring the biggest benefits for your citizens; you need to understand what they need. By looking at how crowds move throughout the day, you can understand where people are traveling to and from and when. This helps you to plan better public transport routes, public events and assess where new facilities will be the most appreciated. It also lets you measure the impact of the decisions you make.

Learn more about Telia Crowd Insights >

Public Sector Crowd Insights

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