Do more with less

Do more with less

Sustainability doesn’t mean doing less, it means doing more ­­– with less. As populations, living standards and expectations keep growing, we need more sustainable ways to meet their needs. Digitalisation provides the ditgital tools to make small changes, which multiplied by scale, can make a very big difference.

Optimizing the power grid with real-time monitoring

Optimizing the power grid with real-time monitoring

Real-time visibility lets you monitor demand and streamline energy production and delivery. For example, as green energy becomes more common, the power grid needs to be more dynamic. The variable nature of wind and solar production mean grid operators need to be able to adapt quickly when conditions lead to a rapide increase or decrease so that energy doesn't go to waste. Heimdall Power has developed IoT sensors that are placed directly on high-voltage power lines to measure the load they carry instead of having to work with best guesses and large margins-for-error. Telia NB-IoT connectivity means they can do this even in remote locations. Watch the film to see it in action.

Water usage monitoring

Water usage monitoring

Anything that can measured and connected can be optmised with IoT. FM Mattsson makes taps and water mixers. By connecting them they can measure the quantity of water each mixer uses, the temperature of water people prefer, and which taps are used most often. Connecting taps can also reveal the bigger picture, such as which taps or bathrooms are used the least, when bathrooms need to be cleaned and even to identify potential leakages in the water system.


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