Deliver a better experience

Deliver a better experience

Whether you're selling online or in physical stores, delivering a great buying experience has never been more important. We provide the digital tools to enable everything from website acceleration to physical location insights. Check out some of the ways we're helping retailers get a competitive advantage.

Understand where your customers come from

See how many people pass by each location – and when. Understand where crowds come from and go to. This lets you measure the potential value of each location and know where to open new stores. It also lets you understand more about your customers and what their needs are. With real-world location insights, you can make better-informed, data-driven decisions.

Learn more about Telia Crowd Insights >

Increase in-store comfort and reduce energy costs

Ensure a fresh and comfortable environment for a better in-store experience. By remotely monitoring air temperature and quality throughout your stores and offices; you can fine-tune comfort levels and identify problem areas. You can also see where energy is being wasted and start reducing unneccesary costs and associated emissions. Our end-to-end building monitoring solution includes sensors, connectivity, dashboards, alerts and open APIs to feed into your existing systems.

Learn more about Telia Building Monitoring >

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