Rikshem reduces energy consumption and increases tenant satisfaction with Smart Building solutions
Rikshem reduces energy consumption and increases tenant satisfaction with Smart Building solutions
Rikshem reduces energy consumption and increases tenant satisfaction with Smart Building solutions

Rikshem reduces energy consumption and increases tenant satisfaction with Smart Building solutions

The use of Telia Smart Buildings with Indoor Climate Monitoring is becoming an integrated part of property owner Rikshem’s operations. This enables Rikshem to be more efficient and sustainable — and have more satisfied tenants.

Watch this video to see the solution in action:

Several advantages with Indoor Climate Monitoring

Rikshem, one of Sweden’s largest property owners, teamed up with Telia in 2019 to start the journey to connect and digitalize its 500 properties and 30,000 apartments across Sweden. After connecting all the properties to its open fiber network and securing the real estate IT, Rikshem has successively implemented IoT solutions from Telia Smart Building in its properties, to monitor and optimize building operations.

So far, the solution is running in 23,000 apartments, where data is collected. Among other advantages, this enables property managers and technicians to be more efficient and proactive in their daily work.

Indoor Climate Monitoring is one of the digital tools that Rikshem now uses in its residential buildings. Each apartment has a sensor that measures temperature and humidity. The sensor data is sent to the Telia IoT Platform for Rikshem to both monitor in real time, and to analyze over time for proactive measures and maintenance.

"By monitoring the indoor climate, we can identify and adjust discrepancies before they become problems, and we have saved a lot of energy by fine-tuning the temperature in our buildings," says Daniel Östman, Energy Manager at Rikshem.

Better customer service and satisfaction

Rikshem’s customer service team also has access to the Telia IoT platform. Like many other property owners, Rikshem regularly receives calls from tenants about the indoor temperature — which often is a subjective experience and opinion. Now, the customer service employees’ jobs are made easier and more efficient, as they have immidiate access to the data in the platform.

”Since we started monitoring the indoor climate, our customer service has experienced a decrease in the number of calls about indoor climate. In addition, our tenant survey shows a five-percent increase in satisfaction with the indoor temperature in both winter and summer, which among other things can be connected to the monitoring. That is a great result, as customer satisfaction is prioritized for us," says Johanna Lidesjö, Customer Strategist at Rikshem.

The right knowledge and capacity is key

The next step in Rikshem’s digital journey is to connect and digitalize community buildings as well — such as schools and senior citizen group homes. Rikshem will also explore more smart solutions, such as solutions leveraging artificial intelligence and machine learning, that will help Rikshem's operations become even more efficient and sustainable with automation. With all properties connected to Telia’s secure and stable network, Rikshem is more set to achieve a future-proof way of working, using data as a source for decisions regarding building management and operations.

”One key learning is the value of choosing the right company to partner with, one that has all the knowledge and capacity needed. It is a big project to connect and digitalize 500 properties all over Sweden, and without Telia we would not have achieved the same results in this short time," says Fredrik Stenberg, Project Leader for the digitalization of Rikshem’s properties.

Rikshem's five key benefits using Smart Building solutions

1. All properties gathered in one platform makes operations more efficient and proactive.

2. Savings in energy use and costs, and therefore also reduced CO2 emissions, with real-time monitoring of the indoor climate.

3. Increased tenant satisfaction, thanks to a more comfortable indoor climate and better customer service.

4. A secure and stable solution giving control of the company’s and the tenants’ data.

5. Possibility to add more digital tools from Telia or other suppliers, due to open APIs.

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