Connected smart meters enable responsible energy consumption
Connected smart meters enable responsible energy consumption
Connected smart meters enable responsible energy consumption

Connected smart meters enable responsible energy consumption

To address future needs of the power grid there is an urgent need for digitalization in general, and smart metering in particular. When One Nordic set out to equip millions of households and commercial buildings with smart electricity meters, they chose Telia as their IoT connectivity partner. A choice resulting in maximized signal strength and minimized costs.

Telia connects nearly three million smart electricity meters in Swedish households and commercial buildings. More than half are installed and provided by One Nordic, an independent end-to-end service provider of smart metering and smart grid solutions. 

“We chose Telia because they have the best connectivity, high competence, and competitive pricing,” says Anders Malmberg, Marketing Director for Specialized Operations at One Nordic. 

At first, One Nordic evaluated other available IoT connectivity options, which would have required them to develop infrastructure and act as a network operator themselves. Ultimately, they opted for a new technology on the market, provided by Telia. The collaboration between the companies began in 2019, and together they broke new ground with the largest rollout of smart meters so far. 

“As pioneers, you gain insights and encounter challenges never anticipated before, and we’ve built a strong partnership with Telia that has been crucial in solving problems and continuously moving forward,” he continues. 

Connecting smart meters anywhere 

Smart electricity meters are often located underground, in basements and garages. However, Telia’s solution Managed IoT connectivity with NB-IoT has proven effective even in these challenging locations. One Nordic initially estimated that approximately two percent of the meters would require external antennas to ensure proper connectivity. But with Telia’s cutting-edge technology, which sends small amounts of data with better penetration, less than one percent needed antennas. A significant reduction in the estimated cost involved in this massive IoT rollout.  

Previously, it was only possible to measure electricity consumption and production until afterwards. But since the introduction of IoT connected smart meters, monitoring is done almost in real time. Each smart meter can automatically send data to an advanced central system with a 15-minute resolution — and some alarms from the meter are even sent instantly. In ONE Nordic’s own system, the data is visualized for their customers.

”We enable electricity distribution companies to view patterns, identify peaks, and work more proactively with their grid. End customers gain insights and can take control over their consumption, as well as their eventual production, of electricity.” 

Many benefits to society

The possibilities that come with smart meters are essential in meeting the new demands of the electricity market, which is currently undergoing a huge transformation. With more devices to connect and new energy sources emerging, society faces challenges such as high prices, electricity shortages, and a more complex market. Therefore, the modernization and digitalization of the grid — including the introduction of connected smart meters — are crucial.

”We need to change our behaviors. Knowledge and data empower people to make informed decisions about their energy consumption. For example, deciding when to charge your electric vehicle or use the washing machine,” Anders Malmberg says.

Research confirms this. Smart electricity meters change behaviors. Decreasing electricity consumption by 3–5 percent in households and by 10–12 percent in business buildings, according to a report by Transforma Insights.

Smart metering across industries

Now, when the positive results are clear and many lessons learned, the next step is to explore other areas that could benefit from connected smart meters.

”We see similar challenges within water and district heating distribution. High-resolution metering with connected IoT devices could have a significant impact in these areas as well. For instance, water shortages could be prevented if the network and consumption were under real-time control.”

Do you want to know more about our IoT Connectivity solutions? Send our IoT experts a message here

One Nordic: 5 key benefits of Telia Managed IoT Connectivity

1. Excellent connectivity nationwide, even in challenging environments such as underground.

2. Minimized costs due to reduced need for antennas, extra hardware, or proprietary network infrastructure.

3. Quick and easy installation saves man-hours and increases end-customer satisfaction.

4. Flexible solution enables interoperability and data integration with existing systems via APIs.

5. Strong, close partnership with Telia provides stability and rapid problem-solving.

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