Telia showcases facial recognition payment over 5G
Telia showcases facial recognition payment over 5G

Telia showcases facial recognition payment over 5G

Telia and Finnish OP bank demonstrated how 5G is suitable for facial recognition and payment with an ice cream truck

Pivo Face Payment uses facial recognition that enables quick and easy payment. You simply stand in front of a tablet, tap and the payment is finalized without a credit card, cash or mobile phone.

It works by identifying the customer with a biometric facial recognition. The technology compares the customer’s face with the biometric template uploaded through a camera, the customer accepts the payment using pre-saved credit card details and the transaction is completed.

”Facial payment is a good example of a service that benefits from the capacity increase and lower latency of 5G. 5G will also take the security of mobile connections to the next level, which is interesting for example for payment and other financial services,” says Janne Koistinen, head of Telia Finland’s 5G program.

”Besides security, a smooth user experience is important for customers. 5G makes the service faster and is therefore the perfect partner for Pivo Face Payment. We believe that the trial with Telia opens a new window to the future,” says Kristian Luoma, Head of OP Lab.

The truck is parked in Vallila in Telia’s premises on Wednesday, August 14, and will continue to OP headquarters nearby on Thursday and Friday.

Pivo Face Payment is a bank-independent solution that requires a Visa or MasterCard and a mobile device with iOS 11.0 or a more recent upgrade.

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