Mobility data takes Estonian outdoor advertising to the next level
Mobility data takes Estonian outdoor advertising to the next level

Mobility data takes Estonian outdoor advertising to the next level

Telia Crowd Insights data on movement patterns derived from mobile network data, has taken Estonian company Linna Ekraanid OÜ, who sell outdoor screen ad space, and their measurement of customer exposure to a whole new level. Their insights are now more up to date, more understandable and easier to use in sales discussions.

The Estonian Out of Home advertising company Linna Ekraanid OÜ has outdoor media screens all over the country. According to Kristjan Saar, sales manager of Linna Ekraanid, the previous method of measurement of people passing the screens has provided rather slow information. The data was as much as 6 months or even a year old. In addition, the methods of collecting data were not very flexible. For example, if there were road works, holidays, school holidays; this was not considered. 

"By using Telia Crowd Insights, we can use information that is only two days old, not several months," Saar says. "Our data is now much more up-to-date, accurate, dynamic and of higher quality as a whole." Previously, insights on how many people has passed by a screen was based on data from hoses across the road, counting cars. Now the distortion of information is reduced, since people make up the data, not cars. 

Telia Crowd Insights makes it possible to analyze the movement of groups of people both at a specific time and over a longer period on the basis of anonymous and aggregated data from the mobile network. The information is non-personalized, only letting you know how many people are moving past this screen at a certain time. This way, you can plan the best advertising times for that particular screen. 

According to Saar, the Telia solution also has a very easy-to-use dashboard with well-structured and understandable data. "It is a convenient and comprehensive tool that salespeople learn how to use immediately after a short training," says Saar. Linna Ekraanid has been using the new platform since November 2022 and is convinced of its business value. "We have additional information to talk to our customers about, and can offer tailor-made solutions to our customers," Saar says. 

Read more about Crowd Insights for retail

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