Making public transport smarter with Nobina
For people to choose public transport, there need to be better options than the car. Together with Nobina, we're helping make that a reality
Delivering a better commuter experience & driving down costs
Nobina is the largest public transport operator in the Nordics, with 3,600 buses completing 1 million commuter journeys each day. One of Nobina’s core missions is to increase the ridership of public transport. They also have a strong focus on sustainability and reducing the environmental impact of their operations. But with falling public transport ridership, and rising operational
costs, Nobina set out to harness the possibilities that digitalization, automatization and electrification could provide.
In 2010 Nobina started working with Telia, to provide a platform for connecting buses. Initially this was to provide simple metrics such as fuel consumption and positioning for remote monitoring. But once the connected platform was in place, a new range of possibilities started to emerge for operators, drivers and passengers themselves.
Smart solutions for public transport
Today Telia delivers 13 connected services to Nobina - from smart depot heating to services onboard the bus.
Smart depot heating automatically activates the vehicle pre-heating system at exactly the right time to be ready for service without wasting energy. This saves Nobina the equivalent energy output of two wind turbines per year.
Eco-Driving with real-time feedback on each drive enables drivers to drive in a more environmentally-friendly and fuel-efficient way. The Eco-Driving function alone can deliver up to 15% fuel savings.
Onboard safety for both drivers and passengers is enhanced by connected surveillance cameras. Driver’s alarm with GPS-positioning that immediately sends an alert with the driver's position. Digital alco-locks prevents the driver from starting the vehicle if alcohol is detected.
Communication between driver and traffic management is provided via Voice over IP (VOIP) that leverages Telia’s vast Nordic & Baltic mobile networks.
Internet onboard & Infotainment make the ride more enjoyable. Powerful, stable and easily accessible Internet let passengers surf while they ride. Infotainment combines entertainment, geographical traffic information and news.
Real-time fleet management information gives operators the tools they need to fine-tune their operation. Positioning gives them a clear overview of vehicle location, direction and status. While automated passenger count delivers load and demand information.
A platform to build on
Telia’s Smart Public Transport solutions provides the highest levels of availability and security – all from a single point of contact. The open platform makes it possible for operators to integrate their own and third party applications. The platform and the ecosystem of services is continually evolving to meet ever-changing demands of public transport.
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