Familjebostäder chooses Telia for communications and smarter buildings
Familjebostäder chooses Telia for communications and smarter buildings

Familjebostäder chooses Telia for communications and smarter buildings

Telia has entered a multi-year agreement with municipal real-estate company Familjebostäder. Telia will act as Familjebostäder’s communications operator and innovation partner to support in the digitalization of Familjebostäder’s business and ambition to work toward more efficient property management and operations.

“We are very happy and proud of the collaboration with Familjebostäder where we can take our role as communications provider to the next level. In addition to access to an open network with Sweden's best range of broadband and TV; we will offer Familjebostäder a complete delivery of Internet of Things solutions and large-scale wireless connection in their properties. This can be used for optimized operations and property management as well as WiFi inside and outside the apartments. This is a complete solution and we look forward to working with Familjebostäder and their tenants,” says Jonas Drougge, Head of New Business Sales at Telia.

Telia will offer a comprehensive digital overview of the entire property portfolio. The agreement enables Familjebostäder to switch to a digital future where tenants are offered a living environment with more proactive maintenance and more efficient operations and energy consumption. One example is smarter connected monitoring of the temperature in the apartments to provide more comfort for the tenants with less environmental impact.

“We are very positive about the technology that Telia can deliver, there are many unexplored possibilities in this. In the long term, these technologies can contribute to more modern operations and help us provide optimal indoor temperatures and at the same time reduce energy use. A win-win for both our tenants and the environment,” says project manager Peter Skoog at Familjebostäder.

Read more about Telia Smart Building

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