#7 – Scale on tap will change the game
From payments and logistics to marketing and analytics, business infrastructure will increasingly be procured as a service
Not long ago, moving into finance offerings or starting a banking business would have been a daunting and multiple year-long challenge for most organizations, startups none the least. Today, with cloud-based banking solutions offering the technical infrastructure as a service, the same feat can be accomplished within days – and scaled to global with the push of a button.
This ability to go from zero to hundred in minutes is not limited to banking services. From AWS, Shopify, Google Ad Network to Salesforce, modern software and platform-as-service providers are bringing about a fundamental democratization of both tools and scalability, where everything from innovative cutting-edge global retail, logistics and finance solutions to business analytics and sourcing of talent can be accessed and tapped into through the turning of a (virtual) knob.
For tomorrow’s connected enterprise, the rise of global scalable business solutions as-a-service will inevitably mean that maintaining and operating proprietary infrastructure will in most cases cease to make sense. Thus, rather than a capital expense, business infrastructure will increasingly become an operating expense: something best procured and flexibly leased from others ”on tap” rather than developed, operated and maintained oneself.
“The most flexible players will have access to the true gold. You have to gain control over your core processes while building a platform that allows for change. Those who design the system architecture will have to prioritize flexibility before anything else. If you fail to do that, you will have a nightmare on your hands.”
This article is part of our report: 12 predictions for Tomorrow's Connected Enterprise read the rest of the predictions here:
Tomorrow's Connected Enterprise
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