#11 – Net zero will need more than good intentions
#11 – Net zero will need more than good intentions

#11 – Net zero will need more than good intentions

From smart buildings and transportation to self-optimizing manufacturing processes, the race to net zero will be a catalyst for intelligent optimization

Rebooting the global economy to reach net zero in green house gas emissions by 2050 will require the fastest transition in the history of business. In order to keep up, businesses worldwide will be forced to radically accelerate innovation when it comes to resource efficiency. As a rule, that will imply making products, processes and operations smart through the addition of data, AI and automation.

From smart sensor-equipped electricity grids that optimize capacity in real-time, to farming equipment that uses state-of-the-art computer vision to separate weeds from plants and minimize the use of pesticides, a critical key for enterprises to stay within tomorrow’s planetary boundaries and CO2-budgets will be to apply connected technology in order to learn new and smarter ways of doing more with less.

For organizations, this will mean investing heavily in connectivity and digitalization. It will also mean being open to new ways of doing business and generating value. As a simple example, the ability to remotely monitor the condition of products is not only likely to only allow heavy-equipment manufacturers to extend the on-site life of equipment, but it can also enable a shift to services and considerably more circular business models.

In the future sustainability will be hygiene, rather than competitive edge. It is all about taking ownership of your challenges. Being honest about the fact that you are not perfect, but aiming to change. We can’t offer climate neutral transportation today, but we can be clear about our ambition moving forward.



This article is part of our report: 12 predictions for Tomorrow's Connected Enterprise read the rest of the predictions here:

Tomorrow's Connected Enterprise

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